Loan against property + Balance transfer

Loan against property + Balance transfer

  • Minimum Age: 21 years and Maximum Age: 60-65 years. However, it will depend on whether the applicant is salaried or self-employed
  • A salaried Individual must be employed in a stable job with a reputable organization. Besides, a Self-Employed individual needs to have a steady income through a business, profession, or practice with a proven track record.
  • For a salaried applicant, a minimum monthly income, usually between ₹25,000-₹30,000. In case of a self-Employed Applicant, an income threshold set by the lender must be fulfilled
  • Typically, a credit score of 700 or above is generally preferred by most lenders
  • A LAP applicant must be an Indian citizen or, in some cases, a Non-Resident Indian (NRI) (subject to additional conditions)
  • Proof of Identity: Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, Passport, Voter ID, and Driving License
  • Proof of Address: Aadhaar Card, Passport, Utility Bills (Electricity/Water/Gas – not older than 3 months), Rent Agreement, and Voter ID
  • Property Documents: Title Deed of the property (proof of ownership), Approved Building Plan or Layout, Encumbrance Certificate (indicating no pending legal disputes or loans against the property), Property Tax Receipts (up-to-date), NOC (No Objection Certificate) from society or builder (if applicable), and Sale Agreement (if the property is under purchase)
  • Age Proof: Birth Certificate, PAN Card, Aadhaar Card, and Passport
  • Proof of Income:
Salaried Individuals:

Latest 3-6 months’ salary slips, Form 16 or Income Tax Returns (ITR) for the last 2 years, and Bank account statements showing salary credits for the last 6 months

Self-Employed Individuals:

Audited financial statements (Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet) for the last 2-3 years, Income Tax Returns (ITR) for the last 2-3 years, Business continuity proof (business registration or GST certificate), and Bank account statements for the last 12 months.

  • Instant Business Growth
  • 24/7 Quality Service
  • Easy Customer Service
  • Quality Cost Service

How Much Do You Need?

$1000 $50000
1 Month 12 Months

Pay Monthly $

Term of Use Months

Total Pay Back amount $

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